Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Two Old Brothers...Keep On "Doing Things"


     Once upon a time, there were two old brothers that were in the watermelon business. They were staying busy, but not seeming to be getting anywhere fast. The brothers would purchase melons for a dollar, and sell them for a dollar. They weren’t making any money, but they were "doing things"…

     One day, in search of an improvement, one brother asked the other, "We're not getting ahead here, what you think we ought to do?"  His brother thought for a moment, and replied, "Well, Wilbur, I think we ought to buy a bigger truck..."

     As a pastor’s wife, I perceive that the older brother was in ministry! He understood the benefit of sowing (in this case, serving), and despite the absence of financial growth, he saw room for potential increase. So, the brothers sacrificed some of their personal comforts to obtain a larger truck. They never saw a financial increase, but grew a larger customer base. They kept “doing things”, serving more people than ever before…

     In ministry and missions, those who volunteer their time and resources have discovered within themselves a seed…a seed of potential, a seed of ability that they are able to sow. In the eyes of the world, they may not seem “fruitful”, but in God’s eyes, they most certainly are not failures. They are “doing things”…things that others would not do. They do things that do not always appear profitable, when they could be spending time and resources in financial increase... “getting things”.

     That is what ministry is all about…loving God and serving others. Sometimes, we can become discouraged when we don’t see “thing’s happening” when we stretch ourselves, put forth efforts and even sacrifice. But there is a Biblical principal that we must remember…we shall reap what we sow. In between seed and harvest is TIME. I imagine the old brother remembering Galatians 5:9-10, which states, “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart”.

     So, I challenge you to make up an end to this story. What would you do, and how would this story end? Here is my ending…

     The next day, the two old brothers purchased a pre-owned truck. Wasting no time, they headed to the watermelon farm, and loaded up the largest load of watermelons they had ever purchased.

     “You must be doing well for yourselves,” said the watermelon farmer, as he admired their nice “new” truck.

     “Well,” said Wilber, “We’re “doing things”. My brother says we’re “doing good”.

     “I have never sold so many watermelons in all of the years that I have been farming,” said the watermelon farmer. “You two have been such a blessing to me and my family. Soon, I will be opening a new business…a fruit and vegetable stand. Would you and your brother be interested in managing it? I will make it worth your while…in fact, I would like to purchase your business.”

     That day, the farmer offered them more for the truck than what they had paid, and gave them a check for their “business”! They started their new jobs with benefits the following week, and got to keep on enjoying “doing things”.

     The brothers’ seeds of ability were sown into their abundance of time. Their “harvest” had been a harvest of potential, which was ultimately recognized and rewarded. Imagine being able to encourage someone where they are, to spend time sharing God’s love and His Word with them, and to ultimately see a changed life that is able to bring forth testimony and countless others to the truth of salvation in Jesus Christ. Priceless…there is no value that you could place on your efforts, time, tears and prayers. There is also no value that you can place on the life that was once lost and now is found, fruitful, and multiplying God’s kingdom.

     For all of you who are “doing things” for God, thank you. Don’t stop because you cannot see increase. You may be on the cusp of the “next level” of ministry if you push one more day, sacrifice just a little more, pray just a little harder. As Mark Batterson says in “The Circle Maker”, “Work like it depends on you, and pray like it depends on God.” There is nothing better the devil loves than idleness, so don’t lose heart…stay busy. You may be weary, but know that your efforts are not fruitless, and they have not gone unnoticed by the Master… keep on “doing things” until finally, one day you hear Him say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord”. (Matthew 25:21, KJV)

Be Blessed, In Jesus' Name,

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