Thursday, September 4, 2014

“Do Animals Go To Heaven?”…God Knows

      Today, my husband joined two other pastors for lunch. It was a good meeting, where various topics were discussed. “One of the subjects that we discussed concerned animals,” he said. “All of us have been faced with the question, ‘Will I see my pet in heaven?’,” he continued.

     Concerning the loaded question, one of the other pastors commented, “This is the answer that I always give in response to that question, ‘I can tell you this much…that the Bible tells us that Jesus returns riding a white horse. So, where does the horse come from?’”

     We both smiled, and I said, “Good answer!” Little did I know that God had paved the way for the same response later today…except this time, it would be the answer to our own child’s question.

     As soon as Alayna got off of the bus today, she put down her book bag and went straight to her favorite kitten…now about 8 weeks old. The little white-pawed kitten, who had also become fond of Alayna, began following her around a couple of weeks ago. Alayna affectionately named her “Boots”.

     Around an hour later, Alayna decided to go to her grandmother’s house. She looked all around, but did not see the kittens, so she got on her golf cart and began to drive off. In a split second, Boots ran under the cart and was crushed. Screaming and crying, Alayna ran inside of the house to get me. I found the badly injured kitten struggling for breaths. It was almost unbearable for the both of us. I picked up the fragile life and prayed…and prayed…I don’t even know what I prayed, but I do know it was a pleading for the life in my hands, as well as comfort for broken heart of my child, who is still being haunted by terrible images of the accident tonight. I, too, am still heartbroken over it.

     After dinner, Alayna came to Al and asked, “Daddy, do animals go to heaven?” We looked at each other and smiled. The answer was perfect…it brought a smile to Alayna’s face. There were no more questions…

     Only God knows what the future holds. His sweet hand of comfort reached forth from earlier today to ease the pain of this tragedy…God knew what the best answer would be for Alayna. His incredible provision and love were already in place.

     How could anyone even question the existence of God when something like this happens? It is not merely “coincidence”. Al could have had lunch with his friends any other day this week. Any other subject could have been discussed. Al may have not discussed it with me earlier…but it was significant to him, and he did.
     All of this was no coincidence…it is what I call a “God-incidence”…a set of circumstances through which we see a manifestation of God’s intent and purposes, a supernatural intervention in situations that expresses His clear and undeniable Presence in our lives. It is a moment we realize that we have just experienced God, and stand in awe of a mighty God Who is still on the throne, still in control, knows all, sees all, and who still speaks to us in so many ways…

     Thank You, Father. Thank You for Your love…
Be blessed, In Jesus' Name,

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