Fabulous Finds


God has so blessed me, and too often, given me the desires of my heart! I have "run across" things that I have collected, decorated with, enjoyed, and finally...hate to get rid of, but  they have become something that someone else will enjoy for a season. It's time to clean out and have a yard sale!

I have no clue about E-bay, but thought that this might be a good place for an online store...right here on my blog! So, I will be posting pictures of items for sale here in my cyberspace yard! Some are antique, some are unique, some you collect, and some make you reflect. If something catches your eye for yourself or for someone else, email me!

Check out comparable items on Ebay... and of course, your wallet, then email me with an offer!   theushers1@windstream.net or lightreading@windstream.net

If you are local, then I will make arrangements to get it to you. If not, you may have to pay some shipping costs....

So, feel free to browse...enjoy my blog-shop...