Tuesday, July 29, 2014

When Feathers Fly

     Once upon a time, there was a man who had an argument with his friend. In the time that followed, resentment grew out of his anger. Seeking consolation for his bitter heart, he shared his story with others.

     Later, the young man came to grips with reality, and realized that he was in error. Recognizing the harm that he had caused, he was convicted in his heart, and went to the other man to seek forgiveness. Now, the wise old man from whom he sought forgiveness received him with a gracious attitude.

     “I am sorry for my actions and words against you,” confessed the younger man. “I am asking your forgiveness. What must I do to restore our friendship, and for you to accept my apology?” he asked.

     “You are forgiven,” replied the wise old man. “I would like for you to find a feather pillow, cut it open, and scatter its feathers in the wind. We shall remain friends.”

     The young man was quite baffled, but did as his friend had said. The next day, he returned to the home of the wise old man to report that he had done according to his request.

     “I have done as you have asked,” the young man said.

     “Very good,” replied his older friend. “Now, go out and gather all of the feathers, and return them to the pillow’s casing,” he requested.

     The younger man was very sad, indeed, for he realized that he would never be able to retrieve all of the feathers. However, he was grateful to find that they would remain friends, although he was unable to fulfill this final request. A valuable lesson had been learned.

     The damage that our words may cause is sometimes irreparable. Like the feathers, sometimes we may not be able to take them back. We may never be able to restore what our words destroy. We may never be able to change what our words may create. Reputations, families, and jobs may be at stake.

     Irrational words are often fueled by emotions and guided by revenge. Often, we say things in the “heat of the moment”, and respond to hurt feelings. Hasty and improper words or actions often result in regret.  

     My mother always said, “If you can’t say anything good, it is best to say nothing at all.” I also remember my grandmother saying, “God don’t like ugly.” And the Word of God says, “Debate your case with your neighbor, and do not disclose the secret to another; lest he who hears it expose your shame, and your reputation be ruined. A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. Like an earring of gold and an ornament of fine gold is a wise rebuker to an obedient ear.” Proverbs 25:9-12 (KJV)

     Through today’s internet technology, many forms of social media have widened networks of communication and increased exposure. Often, what should be used for relaying important information, maintaining friendships and accomplishing good, is used to air issues and arguments. Take heed to the advice above, and don’t let the “feathers fly”. Sleep is much better on a fluffy pillow…
     Be blessed in Jesus' Name,

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